
Making a decision around care can be an emotional and overwhelming time and we want to make sure that the information you access here on our website, through our customer service team or direct with our homes, is as simple, clear and comprehensive as possible.

We have many years’ experience of working in elderly and specialist care environments. Our focus is to provide care of the highest quality on a permanent or respite basis, and in comfortable and homely surroundings. Our care is tailored to the individual, and we aim to provide as much independence as possible, whilst treating each resident with dignity and respect.

Care homes provide either residential or nursing care and the type of home an individual requires will depend on their general health and care needs. In addition to this, a number of homes will be specially trained to work with those living with dementia, and dementia care differs if the home is residential or nursing. Please read a summary of our different types of care on the tabs that follow.

Privacy and dignity

We aim to respect our resident’s privacy and dignity at all times. Residents are encouraged to speak to the Nursing Home Registered Manager if they believe that their privacy or dignity is not being respected.

Resident's Privacy

  • All residents have the right to be alone or undisturbed and be free from public attention or intrusion into their private affairs. The staff of St. Mary’s are guests in the residents Nursing home.

  • Staff will enter a resident’s room within the property only with their express consent.

  • Staff will respect the rights of residents to make telephone calls without being overheard or seen by a worker.

  • Records will be designed, used and stored so as to assure privacy. Legislative controls over records, such as the Data Protection Act, will be adhered to, and the residents express permission in writing will be sought before information is passed to any person other than those directly concerned with the care of the resident.

  • Records will be made available to the resident’s principal carer and family according to their wishes

Resident's Dignity

  • Dignity is a matter of prime importance to us, and all staff receive training in this area.

  • Residents will be asked by what name they wish to be addressed, and these names will be recorded on their holistic care plan used by all staff.

  • Residents are entitled to ask that their principal carers use one name, and others use another name. The level of familiarity is under our residents control. In the absence of information to the contrary, staff will address residents formally, using their title and surname.

Staff are trained to be sensitive to all our residents feelings when attending to their needs. St. Mary’s seeks to reduce any feelings of vulnerability which residents may have as a result of disability or illness.

Philosophy of Individual Care

  • To acknowledge and respect the privacy, dignity and rights of all residents and to promote those rights through the care and services we provide.
  • To encourage residents to participate in the development of their Individual Care Plans and support them to achieve their goals.
  • To set realistic and achievable person-centred goals with all residents and ensure that care and treatment reflect their needs.
  • To provide all care and treatment with the resident’s consent.